Welcome to the This Is Ska Jazz 404 Error Page

That thing you were looking for? It’s not on this website. That’s why you landed here.

For example, say you were wondering if there was a ska band on the site that were call The Sloths. As far as we know, there’s not. Anyway, you typed ThisIsSkaJazz.com/sloth in your browser bar, this is where you’d end up, on the page that tells you that what you’re looking for does not exist. But now the word sloth does appear on the website! Still, it’s only used here so you’d be back to this page anyway. Here’s the thing - there’s no search function on this site so the only way people will ever get to this page is if they type what they’re looking for in the browser bar like our sloth example. But who does that? Well, you for one, but that’s about it. Unless you’re the kind of person who goes hunting for 404 pages on websites, just to see what they say. If that’s the case, our hats are off to you! A strange interest in websites, sure, but it’s that kind of wacky curiosity that makes you so cool to know. When you tell your friends that you hunt down 404 Error pages, just for the fun of it, we bet they’ll all say, “Of course you, do - that’s so you!” Tell them about this page - and about ska-jazz - and drop us a note to let us know you found it. There’s no prize, but we’ll be impressed!