Jazz90.1 is supported by our members, those amazing folks who make donations during our pledge drives. While donors can choose several different thank you gifts, we want to give them something really special! That’s why we’re creating a limited-edition ska jazz CD for listeners who pledge their support of This Is Ska Jazz. Only 100 CDs will be produced and will only be available to donors during the pledge drive.

Help us help you help us

Show your support for Ska Jazz on the radio, and we’ll show the world just how cool you are!

Have one of your original tunes featured on our limited-edition Ska Jazz compilation

What’s in it for you?

First, there’s the sheer joy of knowing you’re helping keep ska jazz on the radio. But you deserve more, so as a featured artist on the CD, your track will get additional airplay throughout the pledge drive and will be added to the regular rotation and the station’s library. The CD will include information about your band and whatever links you’d like to share. Your band’s logo will be prominently featured on ThisIsSkaJazz.com, and you can proudly boast that you made a difference!

“Count us in! What do you need?”

Pick one of your original songs (no covers, please) and s